Grower Jim
Website: www.growerjim.blogspot.com
This grower has a photo album.
I am a long-time producer of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and edible landscape plants. Everything I sell is locally grown in Apopka, where I have been cultivating the same plot of land for 30 years.
I grow chemical-free without any artificial or manufactured products. “Certified Organic” growers are allowed to use bacteria, toxic alkaloids, and other man-made compounds on their crops as long as they are derived from plant or animal sources. I do not use these products. If a plant can’t be grown without the use of chemicals, I don’t grow it. For weed control I rely on labor-intensive hand pulling, mulch suppression and weed fabric/ground cloth.
My fruit grove is naturally watered only with rainfall, and the lack of irrigation concentrates and enhances the flavor of my fruit.
My fresh vegetables and herbs are all grown outdoors in the ground in natural sun, wind and rain. As a result, they may not always be picture-perfect, but the flavor and nutrition levels can’t be beat. Vegetable seedlings are grown in the same outdoor conditions, producing a sturdier transplant than commercial greenhouse-grown varieties that collapse when exposed to real-world conditions.
My potted plants are grown in a compost/soil blend made from materials composted on site, and watered with rainfall and ground water from a well. I don’t use any synthetic fertilizers, instead relying on the nutrients inherent in the bio-active compost/soil mix.
My farm is biologically diverse, home to a huge number of plant species that provide habitat for any and all wildlife escaping the encroaching urban hardscape.
Beside Homegrown Co-op, you can buy my products direct from me at the following locations:
Oviedo Farmers Market: 1st Saturday of the month.
Sanford Farmers Market: All other Saturdays.
Check out my blog/website to learn more about many of the plants I grow. I also invite you to “like” my business page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/GrowerJimsPlantsAndProduce
FL Nursery Registration #47220368
FL Seed Dealer License #S009626