Slow Turtle Farm LLC
Website: www.slowturtlefarm.com
This grower has a photo album.
My name is Carol Peters and I run the Slow Turtle Farm with the help of my family. We are a small homestead farm located in Eustis, Florida producing fresh raw milk goat cheese, made daily, and aged raw milk goat cheese for the Animal Industry from our own goat herd. Seasonal jams and conserves are also delight we offer on the farm.
I returned from the trip to Iowa with not one, but two new baby goats for the dairy! The one I had reserved shall be named some variation of Reflection (her mother’s name is Mirror). The other unexpected purchase was a week old doeling that leaped from her box and proceeded to chase us all over the dairy, causing much mayhem, but endearing herself to us totally! Her name shall be Pandora! LOL
To celebrate the season, I am increasing the volume of fresh cheese in each container by more than an ounce at the same price!
Half of our girls have now kidded and we are in full swing! Lots of milk and cheese is available for the season! Hard cheeses will start becoming available sometime in mid- to late May. Those cheeses need time to age and mature before they are ready to enjoy.
I do not profess to be organic. I make a fresh, natural product. The goat’s feed is the best that I can find from a local source. I obtain my feed from Luznar Mill in Samsula, FL. They mill the grains fresh right into the barrels on my truck. I cannot guarantee that it is non-GMO, nor residual pesticide/herbicide free, but the goats love it and are doing well on it.
The cultures that I use to make the cheese are produced in France and are an industry standard in the practice of making cheese (either for human or animal consumption).
I can state that I do not routinely medicate any of my animals for increased growth, production, etc.
If any of my animals become ill I will medicate as necessary and withhold all products from that animal until a “clear” time is established.
Educating the public on goat health and dispelling the myths is part of what I do when a client comes to our farm.
Goat nutrition is so different than that of all the other ruminant’s; it is a very delicate, ph-balanced system that can be thrown out of whack very quickly. The result is usually a very hefty vet bill and/or a dead goat.
The drought and subsequent rains have affected the mineral content of our well water this past year. I found that the higher iron content was binding the ability of the goat to use essential copper in their diet. So I’ve had to add copper oxide wire particles to offset the effects of low copper in their blood, even though the feed would normally give them everything they needed.