Frog Song Organics
Website: frogsongorganics.com/
Certified Organic
John Bitter and Amy Van Scoik are a husband and wife team who own and operate Frog Song Organics. We both graduated from University of Florida College of Agriculture and Life Sciences with the dream of farming together one day. We broke ground in October of 2011 and we are proud to be producing healthy and fresh food to the North Central Florida region!
Our goal is to develop a sustainable business which will provide healthy food and jobs in our community. In operating our farm we consider the ecological, social and financial impacts of every action that we take. We have been Certified Organic to USDA National Organic Program Standards by QCS since March of 2012, and we will continually work to improve the sustainability of our operation.
Our goal is to build the soil so that it can produce high quality crops. We do not use any synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. We make an effort to find local sources of fertility inputs, we do not use any genetically modified seeds and strive to save as much of our own seed as possible.