Keely Farms Dairy
Website: www.keelyfarmsdairy.com
At Keely Farms Dairy, we believe in responsible, sustainable farming. We support the local food movement. We feel that farmers should be connected to their customers. We think that cows should live as naturally as possible- they should graze in pastures and raise their calves.
We feel that responsible farming is not necessarily organic farming, but we never use hormones or other unnecessary chemicals on our cattle or our land. We use a biodigester to produce our own fertilizer out of cow manure from our milking parlor. We promise not to use antibiotics on our cows except in the case of a life threatening illness.
We do not believe in shipping organic grain around the globe, as is the common practice with organic livestock feed, because this increases our carbon footprint. We grow much of our feed locally and source the rest responsibly. Currently, most of our feed is grass based and locally grown here in Volusia County. We do supplement a small amount grain, salt, trace minerals, and Florida grown, sugar cane molasses to our milking cows to provide them with the necessary calories and nutrients to give us the best quality milk possible.